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PAT Testing Croydon

Portable appliance testing (PAT) is where portable electrical items such as printers, toasters, and kettles are examined to make sure they are safe to use. A quick visual check will confirm there is nothing majorly wrong, but some defects are not detectable without a safety test.

PAT testing croydon

Legal Requirements

Portable appliance testing is not a legal requirement, but as per the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, employers must ensure any electrical equipment in the workplace is safe to use. 

PAT is also not a legal requirement for landlords, but it is highly recommended that landlords have portable appliances they supply tested (tenants are responsible for any portable appliances they bring with them). PAT testing may also be required if you apply for an HMO licence (check with your council’s Housing Department for more information). 

Frequency of Testing

As a general rule of thumb, it’s a good idea to test portable appliances every 12 months.

How often PAT testing Croydon is carried out in your business or rental property will depend on the appliance. For example, construction tools that are used daily should be tested more frequently than a portable radio in an Airbnb that may not be used very often.

Choosing a PAT Testing Service in Croydon

PAT testing can be done by anyone who has the right technical knowledge, but most businesses opt to have it carried out by a qualified electrical services provider like us. 

The cost of PAT testing varies according to the location of the property and the number of appliances that need testing. 

PAT Testing for Businesses in Croydon

Most electricians can carry out portable appliance testing. All appliances that are tested will be clearly labelled with PASS or FAIL, with a list of the complete results provided. Once you have had a PAT inspection Croydon, we will remind you when the next one is due. 

DIY vs. Professional Testing

While a visual check is fine for small appliances like printers, testing equipment is needed for a combined inspection and test. PAT testing equipment isn’t cheap, and the tester must be calibrated at least twice a year to be effective. In most cases, it makes more sense to use a PAT testing service in Croydon rather than expect your employees to take on the job.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does new equipment need testing?

No, it should be covered by the manufacturer’s warranty and safe to use. However, do check it isn’t damaged before you start using it.

Do I need to keep PAT records?

All appliances tested will have stickers marking whether they passed or failed. While there is no legal requirement for records to be kept, it is sensible to do so, to demonstrate you are checking the safety of electrical equipment in the workplace or rental property. It is an additional layer of protection in the event of an incident. 

Call us today or fill out our contact form below if you have any questions about PAT testing Croydon. We’re always happy to help and no job is too small for our team.

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